AMA with Super Pepe Bros in Gem Collectors

Chad Roulette
Gem Collectors AMA’s
20 min readApr 3, 2021


Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 12:58]
We will now be closing the chat, dont worry you aren’t banned! AMA will start shortly.

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:00]
Welcome Super Pepe Bros!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:00]
Welcome @SuperPepebro glad to have you with us today.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:01]
Hey! Thanks for having me today. Glad to be here! How are you guys doin?

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:01]
Pretty good just need more coffee lol

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:01]
Great, Thanks for asking.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:02]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
i could use some too haha, only a couple hours of sleep

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:02]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Well hopefully you can catch up on the questions we have for you today haha

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:03]
Been following the journey of your project for some time now and seeing it evolve has been awesome.

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:04]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Welcome to the crypto lifestyle hahah

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:04]
For the people here, can you please introduce yourself and your background? I saw you hired new staff so I wanted to know how big your team is and what is their experience like?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:06]
Sure thing! So my alias is Shoostah. I’ve been in the crypto space, since basically the beginning, for about 12 years. I’ve done it all in crypto, from trading, to helping projects, so I’ve seen what makes projects successful and seen what makes them fail. I try to use those experiences as often as I can.
My team originally started with 5 people, 2 solidity devs, 1 web dev, an artist, and myself. The work has been non stop and we have been growing, so i had to hire on another dev, and two more artists. So our team is slowly growing more and more

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:07]
The coders all have tons of experience and have been coding for over 20 years. They have worked on multiple projects beforehand as well.

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:08]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
That’s a great amount of experience, hopefully you’ve made some gains along the way haha

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:08]
Are you actively looking for more staff?

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:08]
For 12 years, that is insane!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:08]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
At this point, today, pretty much everything has made money if you held from those times

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:08]
Alot of money

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:08]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Pretty much haha

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:08]
I wish i held my dogecoin :( haunts me everyday

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:09]
All thanks to this man haha

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:10]
I have nightmares of him and dogecoin now

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:10]
ill definitely see that gif tonight

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:10]
Probably the reason why you get 4 hours of sleep at night

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:10]

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:10]

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:11]
So tell me, you have big ambitions for this project, what motivated you to start Super Pepe Bros?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:13]
We have very very large plans for this project. We wanted to innovate on the pancakeswap farms that were coming out in Binance Smart chain, and we are huge gaming nerds. We all grew up on nintendo so wanted to pay homage to that! We created a leveling up system and gamified farming, slapped a theme that gave us the good nostalgic feel to it. Now we are going to continue to build that by adding actual video games to our ecosystem, in which you could use the crypto that you earn from our farms!

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:14]
That sounds great, beside crypto is gaming also the future!

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:14]
Can you drop some content about Super Pepe Bros and tell something about it?

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:15]
[In reply to Chad Roulette]
I agree 100% decentralized gaming and metaverses are huge

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:17]
For those not in their telegram:

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:18]
For anyone that doesn’t know, Super Pepe Bros is a staking and LP yield farm, in which users can level up by earning experience ( rewards ). Each level they earn, add to their multiplier, which increases the rewards they earn. It was built upon the pancake swap code. Once a player levels up, our website changes the background as well, taking you to a different “world”. Our artist designed 30 of these levels ( maps, worlds, whatever you’d like to call it ) and they are really good, and hilarious. You can see a ton of the characters that will show up as playable characters in our future video games! Now players can receive NFT rewards based on the levels that they achieve. These NFTs are playable cards in our hearthstone-like game being developed currently.

We are developing a layered farming system ( similar to egg ) and will theme it as Seasons ( like we see in alot of video games ). Each season, there will be new NFT rewards up for grabs. We want to aim the season to around 30 days each.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:19]
[ Photo ]
Here is season 1 rewards that have been completed. The stat values are just placeholders ( as we have not finalized balance in the game )

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:19]
You can see the passed and current rewards on this page here:

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:20]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Wow this is awesome your designer is really talented

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:20]
Do you have screen caps of the other levels involved?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:20]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
Yeah he is fantastic! Im working him pretty hard, i feel bad for his wrist

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:21]
But i’ll get him a new cyborg hand when we are done

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:21]
Haha after the bull run though

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:21]
of course, cant be wasting any time right now

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:21]
+ he has two wrists right?

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:21]

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:21]
This is epic, When i saw this the first time Had to look 2 times because I thought it was hearthstone

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:22]
Its going to be a really fun and hilarious game

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:22]
The mana will be gas costs

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:22]
[In reply to Chad Roulette]
Right? lol

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:22]
lots of funny debuff and buff spells

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:22]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Awesome, looking forward to it!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:22]
Our plan is to make it so you can wager SPW during matches

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:22]
And we will burn a % of that, and the winner takes the rest

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:23]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
This actually segway’s into a question I had about $SPB. What utility does $SPB have? Any plans on adding more utility such as levels, games, layered farming (which I saw you just answered), etc?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:27]
Yeah so the next few things up for SPW would be : A release of a small fast paced reaction mini game ( like a browser game ) in which you could attempt to get up on the high score leaderboard. We will make it so you can add SPW to a pull, and the people on the leaderboard get paid out, in a constant ongoing tournament in essence. You will be able to spend SPW on opening up NFT card boxes, which will reward you with different cards ( so you can build your deck ) and all that SPW will be burned. Then of course usuable in the actual hearthstone game where you’d be wagering against the other opponent.

We are also working on a different concept and exploring the eoptions right now, but the current plan is to make our NFT cards come with some sort of modifier ( that will increase yields — similar to what BSCRUNNER project did ) — we want to make it so you can use SPW to min/max the stats of that modifier too — so you can roll a random chance to change the modifier from 3% to 5% for example, based on RNG.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:28]
We have alot of ways we can take this, and we take heavy influence from the gaming meta. Crypto basically makes all those mini transactions really simple. It seems inevitable gaming will move to crypto eventually.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:28]
However, i will never make it pay to win in the game

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:29]
Like, you cant use SPW to straight purchase some overpowered card

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:29]
Nice I like that makes everything pretty fair than.

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:30]
Lots of stuff planned I see I like that.

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:30]
How many staking options are available and How does your rewards system work?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:30]
Yeah basically non stop work

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:33]
So the way i had it first setup, is it had over 20+ options , bunch of stable coin options, and like bnb-busd, ada-bnb, all the popular coin pairs. This did NOT work with a leveling up system, as people used these options with minimal risk, and just leveled up and received a ton of rewards. So on this version, i’ve limited it to mostly just our native token options. I’m running a partnership program and trying to find similar gaming projects to add to our ecosystem. I have a 4% deposit fee on all non native options — and i offer to help burn some coins for my partners with those fees, so its a win win for both projects.

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:33]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
How many rewards per block are emitted?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:34]
It is 1 reward per block. Players can level up all the way to a 4x multiplier

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:34]
Nice okay, have you seen emissions have a negative impact on price from the past versions that have been cleared up now with V2?

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:35]
4x? that is nice!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:35]
Im assuming the burn would mitigate it

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:35]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
So basically on v1, SPB pumped for a few hours to like a 3x, and died

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:35]
We rugged ourselves accidently with way too high rewards

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:35]
With v2, price has been amazingly stable

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:35]
We had a mini pump, almost a 2x, and the price has been staying there

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:36]
So it looks like the changes we implemented we’re the right ones, for now

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:36]
We also removed the unstaking = unleveling punishment

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:36]
We felt like that had a negative impact — players didn’t want to lose levels, so they never compounded their harvests, they just sold it off

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:37]
That’s great to hear and seeing the way you have found these problems and brought resolution to it shows how passionate you are about this project.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:38]
It is most definitely my baby and its all i really care about, much to dismay of my girlfriend

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:39]
Problem -> Learn -> Solution, that is how we are all growing!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:39]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Right there with ya on that haha

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:39]
I wanted to ask, It seems throughout your journey of launching you have run into unexpected errors in the contract as well as tokenomics. How has this changed the way you and your team now operate? What changes and checks have you put in place to make sure errors like this don’t occur anymore?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:40]
[In reply to Chad Roulette]
yeah i am still learning, everyone is out here trying to find that perfect balance of offering yields and rewards , and providing them with some sort of utility. That is what i am always looking for. I have no shame either, i will look at other projects for innovations and learn from them too.

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:42]
For those interested in joining:

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:42]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
So because of the bug we ran into , we kind of ran a public beta for v2, and honestly, it was awesome

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:43]
I really have no idea why most coins dont run some sort of public beta. Our community participated and we were able to iron out all bugs before launch for a truly smooth launch

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:43]
Obviously inspired by video game betas and such

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:43]
SO we will be implementing that strategy going forward for anything else that we launch as a team

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:44]
Tokenomics will have to be constantly refined though, and i feel like that my be different for each project. Finding the perfect match is very challenging, probably harder than coming up with a project and creating the project itself.

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:44]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
I agree 100%

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:45]
Great answer though love the way you are overcoming your challenges.

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:45]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
Yeah indeed!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:46]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
i felt really sick when the first one came out bugged, it was a horrible feeling. For 12 years in this space, i was never one to hold abck when bugged code got released, then i go an do the same thing. Ridiculous on my part. Never again and i learned. Thank you to you guys for sticking with me, and everyone in my community for not blowing up on me.

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:47]
Can you tell us how Super Pepe Bros is going to be known more?

What does your marketing plan look like and are there any new partnerships on the way?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:48]
[In reply to Chad Roulette]
v1 had literally 0 marketing. No one knows about it other than the community that was there from launch

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:49]
Marketing efforts will go into full force now, going from community to community introducing it. The product and art, and the card game will sell itself.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:49]
I will be doing amas, twitter campaign, and just brute force guerilla marketing whereever i can growing the community. I really want many people to enjoy the art and start getting hype for the card game that will come out

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:50]
The kids these days apparently like tiktok marketing, so maybe i’ll have to look into that too

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:51]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Insta ads and tiktok marketing are the key for games these days!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 13:51]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
I agree your artist is awesome and your team’s work needs recognition.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:51]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
Thank you!! Will tell him =P

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:52]
[In reply to Chad Roulette]
If you know someone good shoot me a DM later ;)

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:52]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
For insta ads you can DM me :)

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:54]
And maybe there are some good tiktok/insta Marketers in the Gem collectors community

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:54]
Will do!

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:55]
Are there any things you’d like to share with the community before we continue to the community questions?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:57]
I really think you all should check our the farming experience we have built here! Farm some free NFTs in the meantime that will be playable cards in an upcoming video game! We will also create a marketplace for said NFTs so players will be able to put them up for auction basically. Lots of cool stuff coming up

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 13:58]
Awesome, Feel free to drop some links!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:59] — website

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 13:59]
Read about of farm and the journey so far —

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:00]
Also , join us in TG

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:01]

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:01]
Are you ready for the community questions?

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:01]
Yes sir

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:01]
Answer as much as you want!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:01]

💛💚Blanca💙 ❤️, [03.04.21 14:02]
Hello @SuperPepebro

How important is the power of the community to you, do you have any particular plan to grow the community quickly in different countries?

Interesting aesthetic a big hug :)

son, [03.04.21 14:02]
Where did you get the inspiration from to combine farming with Super Mario games, this game leave fond memories for the time of my childhood, are you sure the your ecosystem doesn’t destroy them? How do you make the player feel nostalgic but also benefit from it?

Yudasagara, [03.04.21 14:02]
Hello, sir @SuperPepebro
Who is your target market? the game being played is not E-sport based?

please explain to me the bonus income in each SuperPepe level?

Dan — Uniswap Knight, [03.04.21 14:02]
Each successful project has a close connection between the protocol and the community with features such as governance, DAO, etc. Is it in your plans to launch governance to bring the community closer to the project?

thank you @SuperPepebro

Ted, [03.04.21 14:02]
Farming tokens in liquidity pools is a common and boring business. What latest innovation SuperPepeBros platform has made around yield farms and a new era is NFT.
I know you create an NFT where art will be presented as a commodity and reward. Will it be possible to farm on your platform using NFT? Do you support your project to thrive with a booming NFT?

Koh, [03.04.21 14:02]
what is Super Pepe Bros ? where did the name come from and what does it mean ? and what is your motivation for the future ?

Can you tell us what features the Super Pepe Bros has that makes it unique?

Lun Mei (CryptoBuddhist), [03.04.21 14:02]

Do you consider V2 to be the definitive version of Super Pepe Bros? can we expect a V3 in the future, for example this year? How is your situation in terms of development? is probably the most important

Out Of Range 🦅🔥🎖, [03.04.21 14:02]

very interesting Super Pepe Bros combines games and NFT, and is currently developing towards agriculture

Q1 By collaborating with SMOKHOUSE, what agricultural model will you present to the community, will you involve Staking as well?

Q2. Super pepe bros targets to set it to 6 hours per level, which is the 7 day limit for reaching the maximum level. What if the user cancels the bet, will it return to the original level? then after reaching the maximum level? will it also return to the initial level?

kenny kimora, [03.04.21 14:02]
give us a good reason why investors should put their money in $SPW ?
Please tell us complete income breakdown data and overall information to make it easier for us to notify new Investors SuperPepeBros?

Kinami, [03.04.21 14:02]
How to persuade the public to believe Super Pepe Bros technology and what benefits will it offer to the public joining Super Pepe Bros project?
About your platform, how will Super Pepe Bros team resolve if there is an unfortunate security problem?

Giorno Fortunato, [03.04.21 14:02]
Usually a NFT dont have utility and its for collection, so how about NFT from SuperPepeBros Finance? what are the main use of NFT from your project? and can you please explain about what is NFT “Hearthstone Pepe edition” that SuperPepeBros Finance have for their community reward?

𝔸𝕓𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕙, [03.04.21 14:02]
How did you come about the name Super Pepe Bros? How was the idea of the project conceived? What problem are you trying to solve?

Joxes | C R Y P T O W A V E, [03.04.21 14:02]
I am eager to know what motivated you to undertake this curious project Superpepebros? any interesting story to tell us? Do you think this is just for fun or are you seriously involved in making the project a long-term success? @SuperPepebro

Daniel Xavier, [03.04.21 14:02]
So right now I’m still farming points with my spb for the degenerate-pepe NFT but what will happen with this? If I unstake them can I still migrate to spw? And if I want to add LP it’s probably not possible with spw or is it?

Can you correct the Base APR displayed on the pool BNB-PE and BUSD-PE pools? You’ve mistakenly multiplied it by 100 so it’s displaying 125k rather than the approximate 1.25k its giving. I’m generating between 3.45% in the daily instead of the advertised 343% daily that 125k advertises. Appreciate it. @SuperPepebro

Huy Đỗ Nhật, [03.04.21 14:02]
Can you give us an overview of $SP token economics? Is the token designed to rise and fall with the success of the platform, and does it include any scarcity paths such as stake, store, or burn ?

Alikaa Azzahra, [03.04.21 14:02]
can you provide some deadly features in SuperPepeBros from other competitors and the address of the smart contract is security, has it been audited then how is the result, then is there a burning $SPW token from the Ecosystem utility for the community?

Ăn xin online, [03.04.21 14:02]
I am a newbie to SPW. Is SPW a new version of SPB? And why did you decide to exchange tokens that LP is not allowed to convert to? Does SPW have something new for the game? Is SPW mixed of LP and SPB? What about if the conversion only takes effect within 48 hours, how about players holding the SPB token long term without checking? If they don’t know this case, then in a few years if they ask you to change again, will you change? @SuperPepebro

Octopus, [03.04.21 14:02]
How about to those who are not into “old school game”, what gainful services you can offer to investors to be fully engage in Super Pepe Bros ecosytem too, even without playing your games? I mean, do you offer yield farming or staking program for a non-gamers like me whitout playing your games??

👽 Mars Crypto Community 🌔, [03.04.21 14:02]
Hello @SuperPepebro

In your Medium article, I read that Super Pepe Bros will be more than a farm and you are developing a Mario Party influenced game. Will there be some conditions to be able to play games using this application?
Have you thought about increasing the token price thanks to the players holding a certain amount of tokens?

Thank You…

Alikaa Azzahra, [03.04.21 14:02]
Has your smart contract been audited by the blockchain system and Why should we feel safe when liquidation provider for SuperPepeBros Yield Farming and Is there a prize from SuperPepeBros for a prize of $SPW add liquidity token for farming or staking?

HODLER| ANTI STOP LOSS, [03.04.21 14:02]
How you are decisions made within Super Pepe Bros. Is there a method of governance that allowed the complete decentralization finance project launched on the Binance Smart Chain?

Capp, [03.04.21 14:02]
Really because currently the large number of DeFi projects are developing multiple games with blockchain technology, if the number of gamers is really very small? Do you think you can have adoption just by generating rewards in users? How does NFT and Farming related to Super Pepe Bros game platform?

John Toz, [03.04.21 14:02]
So, basically SUPER Pepe Bros is more kinds of launchpad for token sale? Then how can you Compete with other launchpad out there? What makes you better than them? @SuperPepebro

CoinTravolta, [03.04.21 14:02]
Super Pepe Bros is a game based crypto project and therefore you will need players’ attention. Players complain about the unfair and non-transparent practices of gaming platforms.

How will you comfort the players in this regard? Will you present a completely transparent communication layout about your platform?

Y, [03.04.21 14:02]
It is well known that your Super Pepe Bros Finance is a Super Mario Gaming platform with profit, but how do you assure us that your platform is the best, in what way do you think you can revolutionize the market for this type of platform? What supports the $SPW in the long run?

Veloraa, [03.04.21 14:02]
Hii Sir. @SuperPepebro

I want to ask you…

Many projects these days only offer promises but are not proven, how can we be sure that the “Super Pepe Bros” projects and services delivered to society are long term and have many benefits in real life?

Jeje, [03.04.21 14:02]
What kind of people or players is your platform aimed at and why? and how do you incentives your gamers?

Are there any restrictions regarding the age of the users who participate in the platform?

Tatsumialan, [03.04.21 14:02]
The migration from SPB to SPW is underway.
The conversion will swap 10 SPB for 1 SPW.
Why migrate from SPB to SPW? What really happened?
If I may know, how much do you loss due this?or not loss?

✨ CRYPTONECO 👀, [03.04.21 14:03]
Currently, the most important tools of the crypto world are DeFi, NFT and Dapps. Many projects build their concepts on these three vehicles. Investors, on the other hand, are constantly looking for the best option.

Does Super Pepe Bros plan to blend these tools to create innovative products that will attract more investors’ attention?

Alikaa Azzahra, [03.04.21 14:03]
Staking, Farming and NFT are things that are arguably progressing, is there a plan for you to include products in tokens for staking or maybe SuperPepeBros will create NFTs to expand the community?

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:03]
Thanks for all the question!

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:04]
I see many good questions, answer as many as you want!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:05]
[In reply to Y]
We are currently the only project that has gamified a farm in this way and providing NFT rewards such as this. We may not be the best, but i will always refine and constantly improve my project, competing to be the best.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:06]
[In reply to 💛💚Blanca💙 ❤️]
Community is the most important. I need people to play my game, and now is when i focus on growing to community in every single way that i can. Also, i am always chatting with my community and taking their opinions. Come hang out in our TG channel and join us!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:07]
[In reply to Veloraa]
Only time will prove what i say really. But I understand that my word and reputation is the most powerful tool that I have. I would be foolish to tarnish that. So far I have delivered on everything that I said I would. I could have easily left SPB broken ( as it still was minimally functioning ) but we chose to take the 3 weeks to fix it instead. I take pride in my work and my word

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:08]
[In reply to ✨ CRYPTONECO 👀]
That is exactly what we are doing, we are combining a video game (dapp) with our NFTs. Making a way to get entertained and paid at the same time.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:09]
[In reply to Tatsumialan]
There was a contractual issue. Harvests we’re being lost, because on the code that we forked ( pancakeswap ) there was a built in bug , that allowed for the contract to reward more coins than the rewards per block. Our leveling system and multiplier emphasised this issue. We didn’t notice it until multiple people started leveling up. That is what we had to fix, and migrate. We basically reset the game with the supply reduction and the level reset

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:09]
[In reply to Jeje]
Every single player. We will be developing multiple games in different genres. There will be a flavor for everyone, eventually

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:10]
[In reply to CoinTravolta]
I’ve always been completely transparent. Maybe sometimes too much so, but im an honest person and that is just how i run things

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:12]
[In reply to Alikaa Azzahra]
Yes it has been audited by a company called Obelisk. They have been fantastic to us and have worked with us to help us resolve the initial contractual bug. They should have the final PDF version of audit to us today, which i will post in TG

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:12]
[In reply to 👽 Mars Crypto Community 🌔]
That is definitely something to consider. You will have to pay SPW to play competive versions of our games, basically wagering your SPW and putting it in a pool for the winner to take.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:13]
[In reply to Ăn xin online]
We will leave it up for a bit longer than 48 hours, but we will need to monitor the price of both spw, and spb, to make sure there is no arbitrage opportunity. If we see a disparity in the prices, we will shut it down momentarily while the prices balance out again. This is only a one way migration so it wont be to bad in that sense

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:14]
[In reply to Daniel Xavier]
You need to unLP — and migrate your spb to SPW — then use the NEW SPW pair on degenr

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:15]
@SuperPepebro choose a winner when you are ready :)

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:16]
[In reply to 👽 Mars Crypto Community 🌔]
I liked this question the most, but they were all great!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:16]
Congrats @feranno!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:17]
@SuperPepebro Great AMA had a blast talking to you!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:18]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
Likewise to you bud. Thanks again, you’ve been one of our supporters from the start

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:18]
Thanks for the AMA, really enjoyed it!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:18]
💻 Website:

📼 TG:

🐦 Twitter:

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:18]
Thank to everyone and @Crypto_thai for having me

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:19]
Guys dont forget to join there Telegram and twitter!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:20]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
If you have any updates feel free to let our community know. Really excited to see the future progress of everything.

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:20]
[In reply to Cowboy Bebop]
Yes sir. I’ll keep you up to date with everything , let you guys know when a new season starts for new NFTs and when our games are released!

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:21]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Hell yeah cant wait 🤙

Cowboy Bebop, [03.04.21 14:22]
We will now open the chat. Thanks again for joining!

Super PEPE, [03.04.21 14:22]
Anytime! Had a blast! You guys take care and happy farming

Chad Roulette, [03.04.21 14:22]
Enjoy your weekend!

Kinami, [03.04.21 14:23]
Nice 👍👍
Thank you everyone

Kartika||Sweety MOD😊, [03.04.21 14:23]
[In reply to Super PEPE]
Nice Ama😊

Out Of Range 🦅🔥🎖, [03.04.21 14:23]
nice ama

👽 Mars Crypto Community 🌔, [03.04.21 14:24]
Thanks for Great Ama 👏

Alikaa Azzahra, [03.04.21 14:26]
Great AMA ☺️

